Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Week 23, Montpellier, France


Yesterday I took a train to Lyon where I said goodbye to Elder Dover who is training a new missionary this transfer. Then I took a train that passed back through Valence and took me down south to Montpellier ( North Algeria). It is so hot here but I love it!!!! I also love my new companion, Elder Adamson. He is from somewhere in Utah and is the district leader here. There are two other companionships in Montpellier; they are the Zone Leaders and the Sister Training Leaders. So basically everyone in the district is some kind of a leader.

Back to last week. I do not have time to think about what to say and I don't have my old planner to look at so this might be short. I think I already talked about the hike I went on. It was great. We had some really good lessons with Michel. I really love that man and it is so cool to see how much his faith has grown since I started my mission. There have been many times when he has felt the spirit very strongly and I have too. I know that the power of the Holy Ghost is very real and necessary for people to be converted. If we did not have the Holy Ghost we would have to just convince people that our church is true which sounds really hard. But we do have the Holy Ghost because this is Christ's Church so it is actually pretty easy. 
Miracle of the Week:
Recently our mission has been working with members a lot to do activities with their friends. This week we had two awesome activities. One was making cookies with a new member and all their family. The other one was playing Rugby with a bunch of professional rugby players. I was actually not there for either of them because I was on an exchange in Grenoble. It kind of stinks but Ca Va.

I actually stayed two nights in Grenoble this week because I did an exchange and then the next day was district meeting. I did the exchange with Elder Herdt who was in the MTC with me. We had a lot of fun and had some really great conversations with some cool people. One thing that is great about Grenoble and Montpellier is that they are college towns so there are a lot of younger people who tend to be more open.
On Friday we got calls from President to find out what we are doing this transfer. My companion is staying in Valence and is training a new missionary. Most people call new missionaries Blues because that is the French way of calling someone new or a greenie. He was really exited about training because this is his first time and I am exited for him too. I will definitely miss Valence but I know that it is my time to leave and do something new. I know that I am in Montpellier for a reason and that there are people here that I can help come closer to Christ. For the last few days of the week I tried to meet as many of the members and amis as possible to help them as much as I could before I left and to say goodbye. We had some awesome lessons and helped a family move. We also visited a man in the hospital who I have worked with a lot. I have never seen him so happy when we visited on Sunday. He was very open and talkative and I was very happy that I could see him one last time. There are a lot of things about Valence that I am going to miss; the streets that I walked on everyday and the tiny church that is just a few rented out rooms. I will mostly miss the awesome people that I worked with and members I got to know really well. I have met a lot of the great people in Montpellier but I will talk about that next week. 


Elder Bake

Fun French Fact of the Week: There are a lot of adds on the road and at bus stops and whenever there is a new add they have the same add on almost every billboard in every ville in France.

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