Monday, May 19, 2014

Week 10, Valence, France


This week was great.  We taught a lot of lessons and met some awesome people.  One of our amis, Gilbert, is progressing.  He is really cool and we have become really good friends with him.  He has now come to church 3 times and really likes it.  He also came with us all the way to Grenoble for a music show put on by our district leader.  The Music show was really fun.  My companion played the piano really well and I sang Ring of Fire.  Everyone seemed to like it.  I tried to act super American which made everyone laugh.  We had a district meeting where we learned about the importance of using the Book of Mormon in everything so that people can find out for themselves if our message is true.

Love you all,

Elder Bake

Fun French Fact of the week: The laundry machine is located in the kitchen.

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