Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Week 8, Valence, France

Bonjour Family and Friends,
It is so good to hear from all of you and I hope you all had a great week.  My week was amazing as always.  Sorry I did not email. yesterday.  We had zone conference so our p day is today.  Zone conference was really good.  The President of the Mission came and he and his wife spoke to us.  He gave us a lot of good ideas of how we can be better missionaries.  But basically he just told us to follow the example of Jesus Christ.

On Monday night we met an awesome guy named Fred.  We took him to the church and gave him a lesson. It was a really cool and spiritual experience.  Yesterday we had 4 amis (looked this up: the translation is "friends") come to church which was exciting. They stayed all three hours and even seemed to like it!

I went on an exchange this week with Elder Kunsler who is from Salem.  He is super funny and I learned a lot from him.  He is done with his mission this next transfer and might give a talk in his Dad's ward.  I think his dad is in the Aloha 2nd ward so look out for him.

On Sunday we ate with a family who lives in a small town near Valence; Crest.  It is the most French town I have been to.  The streets are very narrow and have lots of turns so there are no cars.  The houses are all very old.  After dinner we hiked to the top of a hill to a tower that was built in the 11th century and was once part of a castle that was destroyed by order of Louis XIII in the 17th Century.

I love being a missionary, I love being in France. Below is a picture of Anthony who was baptized last week, Sister Gibert, the Sister missionaries in Valance - Sister Rose and Sister Russell and Crest.

Elder Bake

Photo of Crest in Drome

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