Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Week 15, Valence, France

Summer is here in France and it is really hot. Saturday was the first day of summer. There is a rule in France that you are not allowed to play music in the street without permission but you can on the first day of summer. So all the restaurants were blasting music and there were bands on every corner all over the city with stages set up. There were also a lot of people out that came to hear the music. It was a really fun day because everyone was happy and nice.
I said that I would talk more about the visit from Elder Andersen. Now that it has been almost two weeks since he came I have had time to study my notes and apply some of the things I learned. During the visit Elder Andersen used a lot of scriptures which I have reread. They are mostly stories about how the Lord uses people to accomplish miracles. He talked about the story in the Book of Mormon when Nephi tells his brothers that God has done so many miracles already so why not help him build a boat? I know that the Lord can do miracles through me if I have faith and let him. One thing I decided to do after the conference is make a notebook where I record miracles that Jesus performed, other miracles in the scriptures and miracles that I see in my mission.
This week has been interesting because a lot of our lessons have not happened but we have some good plans for this coming week and are hopefully going to get our amis to make a lot of progress. I really love being a missionary and I know that I am doing what the Lord wants me to do.
Love Elder Bake
Fun French Fact of the Week:
The sidewalks are very small and made out of the same material as the roads
Miracle of the Week:
We set up a basketball activity and had a lot of people come.

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