Monday, July 14, 2014

Week 18, Valence, France

Hello everyone,
This week has been one of the best we have had in a long time. We had a ton of lessons (too many to count) and found some really cool people who are very prepared for the gospel of Jesus Christ. I love being a missionary. Last week was my last week doing the 12 week language program which is something that all new missionaries do for one hour every morning for their first 12 weeks. Now I am no longer what French people call "a blue." I still do not know French very well but it is deffinently getting better. This week Elder Dover and I made some awesome goals and plans for this next transfer and we are really exited about accomplishing them.
We went to a members house for dinner this week which was a lot of fun. His name is Jean Yves and Fr. Kiezer was also there. These two guys are both really old single guys who are BFFs and my two favorite members in the ward. We played Uno after diner. We have made a lot of progress with one of our amis whose name is Divine and who has two awesome little boys. It is really exiting when people decide to do things that help them come closer to Christ and make them happier. It is an amazing opportunity to help people in their journey and see how their lives have changed for the better as they have faith in Jesus Christ and follow his commandments.
I did an exchange in Lyon this week with one of the zone leaders, Elder Andersen. It was really fun and I learned a lot. I learned what I can do to make sure I am always being effective with my time and doing the best I can. I am really grateful for the other missionaries I have met and the examples they have been for me. While I was on my exchange in Lyon I set up a lesson with Anthony. Anthony was baptized a week before I got to France and we spent a lot of time with him my first transfer then he moved to Lyon for work so I have not seen him much this last month. It was really awesome to see him again.  After the lesson with him he helped us teach a lesson we had right after with another new member who brought her friend; I know I said that Jean Yves and Fr. Kiezer are my favorite members but it is actually Anthony. He is really awesome and I hope I can stay in touch with him. I also learned from the exchange that umbrella canes are classy and I want one.

There is a Turkish sandwich/ tortilla roll that is popular in France called a Kebab. I had my 2nd Kebab this week and then later that day we went to a lady's house for dinner and her son, who works at a kebab shop, made us Kebabs. Then, the next day we made our own Kebabs. So now I do not like Kebabs as much but they are still good.

One Saturday we helped a family move. They live in a really beautiful villa that is over 1000 years old. Some of the walls, the church and the castle are still there from that time. Yesterday we taught the Restoration lesson 3 times with a member there; we try really hard to have members with us for our lessons so that the amis have a friend to ask questions and someone to rely on when the missionaries are gone. After teaching the Restoration lesson 3 times I got a lot better at it and it strengthened my testimony that Jesus Christ is our Savior and that God called Joseph Smith to be a prophet and to restore the Church of Jesus Christ on the earth.
Yesterday Elder Dover and I did a news report for our district. Our district is the 10 missionaries serving in Valence and Grenoble. We called them and announced news for the week, interesting facts, miracles, and funny quotes. It was really fun and we are planning on doing it every week for the rest of this transfer.
Sorry if I do not answer all of your questions in your emails. Just keeping asking them and I might get to them eventually. That's a promise. Also, I am sorry this email is short but I had to rewrite it 2 times because the internet does not work.
Love you all,
Elder Bake

Fun French Fact of the Week: The French people do not like carpet because they think it is unhealthy. All the buildings and homes have wood or tile floors. They also use vacuums to clean their floors instead of brooms.
Miracle of the Week:
We went porting one day which is when we knock on peoples doors. We only had time to go to 10 doors but on the last door we got invited inside and taught a lesson.

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