Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Week 96, Antibes to the End....

Caroling with the Rodriguez Family


This week was great and I was very happy to find out that I will be
staying in Antibes for the last 6 weeks of my mission. I got I new
companion - Elder Hurst. He is from Utah and came into the
mission with Elder Orr. I am sad to not be with Elder Orr anymore but
he is going to Bordeaux to be with my old companion Elder Taylor. Now
6 of my 7 former companions that are still in the mission have served
with another one of my former companions. It is a little funny.

Yesterday I went to Montpelier with Elder Orr to drop him off and get
my new companion. I use to live in Montpelier and had not been
there in about a year and a half so it was really great to see it
again. We had some time to eat lunch and walk around the city so I was
able to see everything again. I was also able to see some other old
companions again so that was fun. I love transfer days because you get
to see so many people and there is always so many things that go wrong
that you have to fix.

This week at church Anthony told us that he
decided to get baptized! He is 23 and works for the
Mayor of Le Cannet and he studied in Aix-en-Provence before. He is
being taught by the sister missionaries but I think he likes us
better and we always hang out with him. Haha!

Miracle of the week- we met this family that use to meet the missionaries and
we set up a time to see them. They are very nice and
we are going to start teaching them now!
I hope you all have a great week!


Frère bake

Fun French fact of the week
Anthony was telling us on Sunday when he drove us home that the city
Le Cannet, which is just north of Cannes, became independent from Cannes
the same year that the United States became independent of England! Strange how there is so much more history here.

Lyon Mission

Tennis with Surge and Elder Orr

Caroling with these boys

Former Companion, Elder Walters

Last day with Elder Orr

Meeting up with my MTC Crew

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