Saturday, January 16, 2016

Week 97, Antibes, France


This was my first week with my new companion Elder Hurst. And the
start of my last transfer in the mission. It went very well and was
lots of fun. Elder Hurst is very good at French and is a good
teacher. We have a lot of fun together and I am glad that he will
be my last companion. I am still waiting for Ellie to get her mission
call but I guess it has not come yet. I think you are all just keeping
it a secret from me.

This week we taught a lady from China who is staying with the
Borgognio family. She is so nice and very interested in our church.
We spent a lot of time trying to explain the restoration to her
because she really wanted to know everything. We also taught in
English which was interesting. It was funny because Frère Borgognio
was there and was speaking English. There are actually a lot a members
who speak English in the Cannes ward. Normally I don't like to speak
English with or around French people because some people get upset
about it but recently I have been speaking English more because I
realized that it is sometimes really fun for them to practice. I also
just get lazy some times. Haha

Miracle of the week- we saw Benjamin and  Noemi Dufoy this week after
not being able to see them for two weeks because of the holidays. We
had a really good lesson with them about the temple and they accepted
to come to all three hours of church! It was really great to have
Benjamin with us in priesthood and for Noemi to go to Relief Society
for the first time. They are so awesome! I don't remember if I talked
about Anthony but he picked a date to be baptized this week and it
will be the 23rd of January! I am so exited! The ward is also very
exited and everyone is talking about it. They all really like Anthony
and are like his family.

Yesterday after church we had a lesson with Michel. At
the last minute we invited this member to come with us while we
were at church. He was very happy to come with us and the member and
Michel hit it off and became instant best friends. We did not say much
but I think it was better because they got along very well and had a
lot in common. We had to go but we left the member there. Then we went
to the Rodriguez apartment and had a really great family night with

Well that's about it but have a great week!


Frère Bake

Fun French fact of the week - most of washing machines keep the water
inside a tub thing and you have to empty it every few cycles. In is kind
of a  luxury to have a dryer.

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