Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Week 4, Missionary Training Center, Provo, Utah

Bonjour Everyone,
This is my second to last P-day in the MTC! I can't believe I have been here for so long. When we got here there where 28 people in my zone now there are only five. The Canadians left yesterday but tomorrow we get four new missionaries. I am so exited for them to come. I have no idea who they are but I already love them so much. Now we are the big kids on campus and I pretty much got everything figured out here. I still have way too much to learn when it comes to learning French and the lessons through. This is a funny picture I was talking about in my last letter.  The Canadians and Elder Etherington - The redheaded African

I cannot remember what I have said in my other letters so I am probably repeating myself a lot and forgetting really important things. Sorry.  Almost everyday we teach one of our teachers who pretends to be an investigator. It is really cool because I still feel the Holy Ghost very strongly during the lessons. A few days ago we got one of our investigators to pray for the first time. It was a really powerful experience and has made me very exited to do it in France!

My favorite thing about the MTC is the devotionals we have every Sunday and Tuesday. Sundays devotional was a little bit different than most of them. We usually have one of the leaders in the Church, like a 70, talk but on Sunday we had the Organist from the Tabernacle Choir and David Archaleto. They both performed for us and mixed in their testimonies about missionary work. It was super cool! David Archaleto just got back from his mission last week and had given his home coming talk earlier that day. He still had a pretty good voice even after 2 years. The Organist guy was super funny and inspirational. He talked about how he joined the Church in his 20s and then went on a mission 16 months later. He played a version of Go Tell it on the Mountain that he wrote when his arm was broken so he played it all with his feet! It was super funny and everyone stood up and clapped after! In a devotional! 

French is still hard but it is getting a lot better. I am pretty good at praying in French now and have been working a lot on my grammar and pronunciation. A lot of what we learn is during our study time so we have to put in our own effort to really learn stuff. This week I have been learning a lot about prayer and listening to promptings from the Holy Ghost. I know that God loves us and that he will answer our prayers. We will get our answers from the Holy Ghost but most of the time the Holy Ghost is a still small voice. We must act on the promptings we receive when we get answers to our questions. I invite all of you to go to the Lord with a question you have and then act on the answer he gives you.

I'll try to do better at writing down the things that happen during the week so I can remember everything for my e-mails. I love all of you. Keep sending letters. It is great to hear from you. That is so cool that mommy is running so much. I wish I could say the same but I spend most of my Gym time playing basketball. I am kind of the king of the court you could say and everyone knows it but that's not important. I figure that I should get as much basketball and root beer in as possible while I am still here.

Elder Bake

It's not wine

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