Monday, April 21, 2014

Week 6, Salt Lake City, Chicago, London, Lyon and the final destination...... Valence, France

Bonjour Everyone,
I'm in France and I'm loving it! I'm in the beautiful city of Valence.  My companion is Elder Davis; he is from Idaho and has 4 younger brothers. He is a great missionary and we are going to have a lot of fun and get a lot of work done.

So on Monday we got up at 5am and said good bye to the MTC. Then we flew from Salt Lake to Chicago to London and then to Lyon. It was really cool flying over Ireland and England as the sun was coming up. The mission president picked us up in Lyon and we immediately began talking with people in Lyon and on the bus. I could not sleep on the plane so by the time we went to bed I had been awake for about 30 hours. The next day we had some meetings and were then assigned our new areas and companions. It was cool to see where everyone would be serving all over France and a little hard to say goodbye to all my MTC friends.

So Valence is the most beautiful city in the world and the people are awesome. Our area is all of Valence plus all of the smaller towns around it so there is plenty of work to do. In France there is a lot of open country with small towns spread throughout. We take a lot of trains and buses to get around.

The Valence ward is the best ward in the mission. The members are super helpful and invite us to supper about 5 times a week. Most missionaries only eat with the members once a week. The Ward mission leader is a very interesting man but he loves missionary work and helps us a lot. Yesterday we had a great Easter service at church. They asked me to introduce myself and bear my testimony. I think I did a good job. Some of the ward members told me I did well for my first week.

After church we had lunch at a members house in the country; the lady and her son got baptized just last week and he is chef and made some really good French food. We had foie gras which is duck liver!

I really love France, especially Valence. I hope I can stay here a long time. I have a lot more to say but this keyboard is different and some of the letters are worn off so it makes it really hard to type. Hopefully this week I will have some time to take some pictures of Valence and the people here.


Elder Bake

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