Monday, November 10, 2014

Week 36, Montpellier, Toulouse and Aix en Provence

Bonjour mes amis,

I hope you're all doing well. This last week was one of the best weeks of my mission. Recently our mission has been putting an extra focus on teaching 20 lessons a week! We have been trying to do this but normally we get about 5. This week we decided to work really hard and do everything we could to get 20 lessons. We ended up with 11 lessons which is a really big improvement. We also found a lot of really cool new people including a lady from Albania who is really interested in our message. We had a very powerful lesson with her about the Restoration of the gospel. We also had a great RDV with a Chinese lady who we met about a month ago in Sete. She did not seem that interested when we first talked with her and she said she lived far away but I called her and found out that she moved to Montpellier and wanted to meet us and see our chapel. We had a really great lesson with her at a members house and then another member invited us over for dinner and we invited her too. It was really great for her to be in the homes of two members and feel the spirit and happiness that is there.
One Saturday we took a train to Toulouse where we spent the night and then went to stake conference the next day. We stayed in a tiny apartment with 7 Elders and there was barely enough floor space for everyone. Stake conference was really great. It was a really big church meeting with all of the members covering a really big area. Most of the members who came from Montpellier stayed the night too. We met in a big conference center and listened to talks from some members and President and Sister Roney. After Conference we went back to Montpellier and had our 11th lesson with our Ami Roman. Roman is the really cool painter who I have talked about before. Then I packed really fast because I am now serving in Aix en Provence! It is pronounced like X. My companion Elder Adamson is training which is exiting. I was pretty sad about leaving Montpellier but I am really looking forward to being in Aix. I do not know much about it but I have heard only great things. Today I was on the train all day with my old companion Elder Dover who is also moving to the Aix Zone! We went through Marseille which was fun and now I am here in Aix. They have a really cool chapel here. My new Companion's name is Elder Arts and he is from The Netherlands.

Miracle of the Week:
As I was packing I was not sure if I should put a Book of Mormon in my bag or not but I decided that I would. On the train a nice lady came up to us and started talking to me. I talked to her for while and was able to explain what we do and then explain the Book of Mormon to her. I was really glad I had my Book of Mormon with me so that I could show it to this lady. 
Elder Dover was sitting next to me when I was talking and said that my French is a lot better. If anyone really knows how much my French has improved it is him because he was with me for 3 months and then not for another 3 months. I am really glad that I am at the point where I feel comfortable and confident talking to people and can understand almost everything people say. 

I love you all and I hope you have a great week

Elder Bake

Fun French Fact of the Week:
Scooters are much more popular in France. It is not uncommon to see a normal middle aged man strolling down the side walk on a scooter.

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