Monday, November 3, 2014

Week 35, Montpelier and Bordeaux France

November 3, 2014


This week we went to Bordeaux again for a conference with Elder Kearon. Elder Kearon came and spoke to us in the summer with Elder Andersen so it was really fun to have him come again. We left Tuesday and got back on Thursday so we were out of Montpelier for a long time. About half of the missionaries in the mission were there so I saw a lot of people that I have not seen in a long time. We had to sleep on the hard floor in a really crowded apartment for two nights so it was nice to get back home and have a bed again. 

The conference went really well. I learned a lot of things that really helped me and answered my questions. One thing I learned is that I can chose to be a better missionary and person but is has to be my choice. I have to be committed to doing things that might be hard if I want to change and be better. Elder Kearon is super cool and very funny. He also taught us how to be better teachers by following to Holy Ghost in everything that we do. He shared how he met the missionaries and his conversion story which was very inspiring. 

When we got back to Montpellier we continued our finding and teaching. We had one really great lesson with a young couple. We taught them about the Book of Mormon and I felt the spirit as my companion and I testified of Jesus Christ. It was one of the best lesson we have had in a while. There was one point in the lesson when the guy expressed that he does not think he needs organized religion. This is very common. The lady who was with us gave one of the best, and most powerful, explanations for organized religion I have ever heard. She explained that the church is a place where everyone can come together and support each other as they worship together. I really appreciated what she said and it made me realize how much of a blessing church is. I realized that God has given us an organized church along with scriptures, prophets and many other things because he loves us. Even though this life is really hard, it can be a lot better if we turn to God and use all of the things he has given us. 

Miracle of the Week: One of our amis who we have not seen in a while came to Church. She is really busy with school and work and the church is far away for her but she still came and we had a really great testimony meeting. 

Love you all 

Elder Bake

Fun French Fact of the Week: People celebrate Halloween in France but it is not as big. 

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