Monday, November 24, 2014

Week 38, Aix en Provence, Gap and Sisteron, France

Aix (pronounced X) Marks the Spot

Gap - At the Base of the Alps

Sisteron, France

Sisteron, France

Bonjour mes amis,

I had another great week here in Aix en Provence. I am starting to get settled into my new city and I really love it here. My Dutch companion and I have a lot of fun together and work really hard. I always wanted to serve with a European since I have been here and he is defiantly my favorite companion yet. You asked if we receive meals from the members.  The answer is no but we have plans to go to a member's home for Thanksgiving. We had 21 lessons again this past week which is a miracle.  We taught this really cool guy from the Congo named Serge and a girl named Annalise. At the beginning of the week I went to another ville that is pretty far away called Gap. It is in the mountains and very cold. I was there for about a day and a half with Elder Rodriguez who is from Spain. We only spoke French but his French is not really that great so it was a little difficult to communicate. It was probably my favorite exchange I have been on. Gap is really beautiful and we went to another ville near by called Sisteron which is one of the prettiest villas I have ever seen. We did service for a member up in the mountains and it was really fun. When we got back to Aix we had Zone meeting and learned about a really exiting Christmas video the Church is making.
Today, for our Preparation day, all the Elders in our zone came to Aix and we played football and soccer. It was really fun to play football again and have our own Turkey Bowl. Our Zone has only Elders so it is really fun.
Miracle of the Week: We went to the church to teach one of our amis but she did not come.  We decided to stay a little longer and then go to her house. The doorbell did not work so we started back. Then when we where at the bus stop we happened to see her and we were able to teach her.
I hope you all have a great week

Elder Bake  

Fun French Fact of the Week:
The milk here is different and does not taste very good. I does not need to be refrigerated which is weird. But I'm getting use to it.

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