Monday, January 19, 2015

Week 46, Aix en Provence and Rogne

January 16, 2015


I hope you all had a great week! This week was great for elder Arts and I. On Tuesday we were doing our normal thing and at the end of the day realized that we had taught 5 lessons with a member that day. Then we just decided to go for it and ended up teaching 16 lessons with a member and 26 other lessons for a total of 42 lessons in one week. I think this is more than my first 3 transfers put together. So we broke the record for the amount of lessons taught in a week for the mission. I don't mean to brag but it was just a lot of fun and a huge miracle. Numbers are not really important but they are a good way to motivate and it definitely motivated us this week.
We met with Wayne a lot this week who is really exited to be baptized some day. He is so fun to talk to because he is just so happy and awesome. He lives in a really cool ville called Rogne and so we went there 2 or 3 thee times this week. He is the friend of Jean who is a newer member of the church and is one of my favorite people in the world. Jean and Wayne are best friends and it is really fun to do things with them. I will try to get a picture of them soon. We taught a lot of students this week and had really good lessons. I feel like Elder Arts and I teach really well together which is good. This week we taught the plan of salvation a lot which is Gods plan for us and we talk about Jesus Christ and why he is so important in making this whole plan possible. I really like teaching this.
A really nice family in the Aloha 1st ward the Smiths, who I do not yet know, sent me some peanut butter and Elder Arts has a recipe for Peanut butter ice cream which is actually really simple so we have been making a lot of that. This week was pretty crazy just running from one lesson to the next. It has been very tiring but so fun.
Miracles of the Week: We went to Rhone to see Wayne and Elder Arts name tag fell off on the bus. Luckily we happened to take the same bus back and found the tag. Yesterday we were at church and Wayne said he would be there but he was not there. Then 10 minuets before church ended he came into the sacrament room with Jean. We found out that they missed their bus so decided to walk for an hour and a half to get to the last 10 minuets of church. That's dedication.
Je vous souhait une bonne semaine

Elder Bake
Fun French fact of the week:
At church in France the chapels have only chairs and not benches. 
Banana Peanut Butter Ice cream


Crepe tacos with Wayne

Dutch Food


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