Saturday, January 31, 2015

Week 47, Aix en Provence

The Dog


I hope you all had a great week and did well on you finals. This week was not as exiting as last week but we got a lot of good work done. We went to see Wayne and Nilda in Rhone two times this week which was great. On Saturday we saw Wayne with his friend Jean who introduced Wayne to the church. We also had a lesson with a man named Claudio and the Garcia family. We went to the Garcia's with the Bishop and his first councilor which was really nice of them. The mom is a newer member and she is really strong in the gospel even though she is going through a lot of hard family problems. We taught 3 students who were doing a project on religion. One of them talked to us on the street one time and got our number. It was fun talking to them and showing them the church and a little about what we believe. A girl helped us who joined the church a few years ago and was able to tell them how she found the church and what she thinks about it.
On Wednesday we had district meeting. We talked about setting good goals and I learned a lot. I really like all the Elders in our district. We all work really hard and get along well. We are going to be doing exchanges with them all this week so I will be able to see them a lot. Elder Arts and I helped a lady do some yard work on Thursday. She lives out in the country by a town called Saint-Cannat. After we finished her dog, who was following us around the whole day, started following us home. After walking for about a half an hour we got to the bus stop and it was still following us. It tried to get on the bus with us too! Later we called and were relived to find out it got home safely about 3 hours latter.
Miracle of the week:
Last Monday when we were doing our emails our ami July called us. We had lost contact with her. We found out that she had been stuck in bed for over a month with a broken back and had not left her apartment. Later that day we helped her do some stuff and helped her a few more times last week. She has a lot of stuff to do and got way behind so we were able to help her. It has been so great to see her back on her feet and doing so much. We are going to help her move some things later today too. She is always so grateful for everything we do because we are some of the only people she knows and I feel really grateful too to be able to help her. We invited her to church but she said she wanted to go to the Catholic church instead which was fine. Then during sacrament meeting yesterday she randomly showed up! 
Next week is the last week of the transfer so on Friday the president will call us and tell us if we stay or go somewhere else. 

l love you all,

Elder Bake

Fun French Fact of the week:
I think I already said this but people don't have carpet. I really miss carpet. The floor is always so cold.
Elder Art making peanut butter ice cream

Celebrating 42 lessons with a burrito

Riding the bus

My District

Elder Palmer

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