Monday, January 12, 2015

Week 45, Aix en Provence

January 11, 2015


I hope you are all doing well and surviving the winter. The winter is not too bad here in Southern France. It has actually been pretty nice out recently. I am still loving Aix and hope I can stay here for longer. This week we did not have as many lessons as usual but that is OK because we still worked really hard and got a lot done. We also worked a lot with some members of the church who don't come to church anymore. We have been having a hard time getting in contact with some people before but this week we got in contact with them and visited them. We also got back in contact with one of our amis who said she did not want to keep seeing us but now says that she does so we are going to see her tomorrow. 
Earlier this week we has some other elders come to do their legality here so we got to help them get around Aix and where they needed to be. After one year of being in France all of the American missionaries have to do a bunch of legal paperwork stuff so that they can stay in France for another year. It is weird to think that I will be doing this soon!
So Saturday was a fun day. In the morning we went to the church with all of the elders in our Zone, which is the missionaries that live in a big area around Aix, for a zone conference. The Mission president came and taught us as well as his wife and the assistants to the president. Our awesome mission nurse, Sister Polvar, also talked to us. It took most of the day because we ate lunch together and the President had an interview with each missionary to see how we are doing. It has been a long time since my last interview so it was good to have another one. We also found out in our conference that our new mission president will be Scott Brown from Salt Lake City Utah. He will be replacing President Roney this summer. 
Miracle of the Week
After the conference we had a baptism for a really cool lady named Patricia. Elder Palmer and I found her one night about a month ago and then Elder Palmer and his companion have been teaching her since then. She is so cool and all of the members love her. She really understands the atonement of Jesus Christ and what that means for her. It has been really cool to see her at church and watch her progress and get ready for baptism. The baptism went very well and a lot of people came to see and support her. The next day, on Sunday, she received the Holy Ghost and was confirmed as a member of the Church. 
I hope you all have a great week 

Elder Bake

Fun French Fact of the Week
There is this traditional French cake that people eat around Christmas time that has a mini-figure inside it. Traditionally the mini-figure is Jesus. Each person gets a slice of cake and the person with the mini-figure inside their piece gets a crown. We did this at zone conference and I won.

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