Saturday, July 18, 2015

Week 71, Agen France

Elder Higham, Elder Miner and Elder Bake

We spent a lot of time outside this week
and now I have a nice suntan. Earlier in the week we spent a lot of time
knocking on doors we met a really nice guy that is a truck driver and
has a little boy. We also talked to an older lady that gave us some
juice and talked to us for a while. She said that she knew the
missionaries when she was a little girl in Bordeaux. We visited the
Zambo's this week just to talk about the branch because he is the
branch president. They are a really great family that really want to
do all they can for the branch here. Frere Zambo was a missionary in
2009 in Canada and likes to talk about his mission and what he
learned. We stopped by a family that used to see the missionaries a
lot in the past but they have not seen the missionaries for about a year
and a half. They were happy to see us and we are going to see them
again next week. They have a lot of faith in Christ which is very
inspiring and nice to see.

On Friday we went to Bordeaux to meet our
new mission president and his wife, the Browns. They are so great and I
am very excited to have them here. They are a bit older and don't have
a bunch of kids with them like the Roneys did but they are very energetic
and bring excitement to the mission. One thing I noticed with President Brown is he
is very humble and listens to the spirit. He is not as much of a
jokester as president Roni but still very funny. He use to be a
missionary in Southern France and was the branch president in
Montpellier as a missionary. This was crazy for me to hear because when
I was serving in Montpellier it was a very big ward. Maybe Agen will
be a big ward someday too. His French  is not too bad but I am sure he
will pick it up soon.

After the conference I stayed in Bordeaux to do
an exchange with Elder Minor, it was a lot of fun he will be done with
his mission in a week. There are a lot of changes happening but it is
all good I might be emailing next week from somewhere else but I hope
I can stay here in Agen.

On Sunday a really cool family, that came once before,
moved into the branch! They have two little kids and will be a huge
support to the branch. They are very nice and have very strong faith.
My companion gave a great talk on our life on earth and why we are
here. I passed the sacrament and conducted the music.

Miracle of the week -Later on Sunday we had the chance to talk to a
girl who is not religious but has some questions about life. We were
able to offer her some answers to these questions. She actually lives
in Bordeaux but was visiting a friend here are we are going to give her
the number of the sister missionaries in Bordeaux and she wants to
talk to them. I hope you all have a great week!

Frere Bake

FFF of the week
Most houses have a cement wall in front of the yard instead of
fences and it does not just separate the yards but goes all the way to
the road and hides the whole yard. I do not know the point in doing
yard work or having a keeping your house nice if no one is going to
see it.



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