Monday, July 27, 2015

Week 73, Lyon and Agen France

"My father and son"


The street that our apartment is on.


This last week was a blast! To start off I went on a long train ride to Lyon from Agen where I dropped off my old companion, Elder Pien. I stayed in Lyon until Thursday. I was in a group with about 8 other missionaries that were also training new missionaries. We stayed in the office Elders apartment which was fun because both of the office Elders use to be my companions. Elder Taylor was my MTC companion and Elder Whiting was in Aix with me. I did not see them that much though because they were running around doing their duties the whole time. Because the office Elders and the AP's were busy with the new missionaries etc. they sort of left us on our own to figure out what to do.
On Tuesday we met up with some of the missionaries in Lyon for a special assignment. Right now the mission is trying to put a big push on teaching about families and relating these teachings to the temple. So we sort of became the special ops team that put this to the test. We talked about what we could do and then practiced actually doing it in Lyon. I worked with Elder Davis who was sort of leading the whole thing. It was really fun to be working with him because he was my trainer. We got to spend some time doing what we used to do every day more than a year ago! Elder Davis is going home in a few weeks so it was great to see him again. I also got to see a bunch of other missionaries and former companions for the last night of their missions Monday night because we were all in the office Elders apartment. So it was a pretty fun week for me seeing a lot of good friends and making new friends. We went out to eat a lot and got a little spoiled. We were also able to do some good missionary work and help out the mission with this new temple project.
Wednesday was the day that we met our new companions. We were not allowed to see them before to make it more exiting. Then we walked into the room with all the new missionaries and had each one read a letter that said where their first area would be. The first missionary who got called up was this really tall guy and his letter said he would be going to Agen with Elder Bake. I did not really know what to do so I just ran up and gave him a big hug. 
On Thursday we came back to Agen and got right back to work. We have been really busy and have been able to teach a lot in the last few days. Elder Wilson, my new companion, is awesome. He is doing really well with speaking French and is patiently putting up with all the craziness.
Miracle of the week: Kari came to church this week! Kari is a great lady that came to church a few times but has not been in a while. She came today and might be able to come to our branch activity this Saturday. 
Have a great week!

Frere Bake

FFF of the Week: the French words for cold, faith and liver all sound the same.

Pizza with all the trainers

My District

My new companion, Elder Wilson

The stairs to our apartment

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