Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Week 72 Agen, Bordeaux, Mezin, Villeneuve and Lyon, France

Villeneuve, France


So right now I am in Lyon at the really cool institute building they
have here. I will be here for most of the week because I am going to
be training a new missionary!
Earlier this week we did a good amount of tracking and talked to a lot
of nice people. We met a lot of older people and got some more
people to give us some water. Ha. Ha. - It's still very hot. We also had a really great district
meeting in Bordeaux and learned about the importance of having
love for everyone. Friday is when we got our calls from the mission
president to tell us what is happening for the next six weeks. Elder
Pien will be leaving Agen and go to a town near Switzerland. It is
three times smaller than Agen but has a ward. He is also going to be
with my last companion Elder Walters! We had a really great lesson
with Ludovic. We taught really simply the importance of faith repentance and baptism.
We also talked about the Holy Ghost and how great a blessing it is.
Later in the week we went to Mezin and visited the Samson family.
Then on Saturday we spent a good amount of the day in Villeneuve with
Jean Lou. He is doing very well now and is has his family from
Canada coming to visit next week. On Sunday we had a really great time at
church. We had 22 people come and Elder Pien gave a great testimony
because it was his last Sunday in Agen. We had a yummy branch meal
after and then in the evening went to the Zambos for diner. Today we
took a six hour train to Lyon. We passed through Sete, Montpellier and
Valence which were all fun to see again.
I am not near a computer so I will send some pictures next week. Have
a great week!

Frere Bake

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