Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Week 79 Agen and Lyon, France


I hope you all had a great week. This week was great for me. It was a
little different than normal because we went on a big trip to Lyon.
The train ride to get there is 5 hours so that took a good part of the
day on Wednesday and Saturday. We went to Lyon for a conference with
the newer missionaries. I did the same thing
about a year ago. We talked about a lot of things but the main message
was having faith and overcoming fears. It was fun to see a lot of
other missionaries that I got to know last month when we went to Lyon.
I also got to see my old companions, Elder Taylor and Elder Whiting who are
both serving in the office. It was fun to catch up with them. I can't
remember if I said this before but when Elder Whiting and I were
companions we taught this lady named Joelle who is now baptized so it
was fun to talk about that with him.

Miracle of the week- Our investigator Kim has been sick for the last
two weeks and we have been praying for her a lot. Then earlier this
week she called us and said she is all better. It was great to see this answer to out prayers.
I hope you all have a great week


Frère bake

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