Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Week 81 Agen and Bordeaux

How do you like my new riding hat?

Hello les gens,

This was another great week in Agen and all is going very well. I traveled to Bordeaux for an exchange and then district meeting. We also had a great time teaching people in Agen and found a new family that we are going to teach. When I was in Bordeaux  I was with Frère Garside who was in the MTC with me. We had a great time together and taught this Catholic guy in a big Catholic church. That was definitely a first. I read in the rules a few days after that we can't do that. Whoops. 
Miracle of the week: one of the big events of the week was an activity that we put on at the church. The activity was about temples because that is something we are very exited to talk about because there is a temple being built in Paris. We spent a lot of time planning the activity and getting as many people to come as possible. We had a great turn out and got some kids to come that we have been working with. Kim and Nasser also came and then came to church again yesterday. We started off the activity with some games that were a lot of fun and then we shared a thought about temples. We showed some videos including the video of President Monson announcing the Paris Temple. After we all ate crepes. We made about 30 before but they were all gone in a few seconds so we had to hurry and make more. We also tried to make some with this gluten free flower that turned out more like pancakes but ca va. Everyone seemed to have a great time!
Thank you all for your prayers, they help. Have a great week


Frère Bake

FFF of the week
So when we were getting ready for the activity we went to this convenience store. I noticed the lady in front of us was buying only two things; snails and Roquefort cheese. Elder Wilson and I were talking about how it is almost impossible to buy either of those things it the US and definitely not at a little convenience store. That is France for you. 

High Counselor from Bordeaux

"My incredible companion" 

Kids in the Agen Branch

They loved our jar of Nutella



Sr Zamba, her mother and her baby to be



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