Monday, August 31, 2015

Week 78, Agen, France

I am still here and will be for another six weeks of summer! I am
very happy to be staying and I know that there is some work the
Lord wants me to do here. I will continue with my companion, Elder
Wilson, which I am very exited about too. We will be going to a
conference in Lyon next week for all of the newer missionaries. I am
very exited but it will be a long train ride. 

This week was pretty good. I attempted to be a little more bold than normal
because I thought I might be leaving so I wanted to leave on a good note. Now I
will be able to profit from all of that for the next few weeks. I have
a feeling that a lot of good is going to happen this next month.
I think being bold is one thing I have improved on recently.
It is hard not to  be bold though when we are talking to people about
the temple and the important things we do there.
Last p day we went to this bridge that holds a canal over a big
river! It is just outside if Agen but I had never bothered to walk
there until last week. Is was really cool because you could walk
alongside the canal as you went over the bridge. Then on the other
side there were the locks that boats enter into and the water goes
down so the boats could go down a level without the canal being on
a hill. I will have to send some pictures next week.

Miracle of the week - I am staying in Agen!
On Saturday we had a word activity to clean the church. It was just
us, Fr. Cazoux , Sr. Somson and her daughter. Is was fun to spend time
with them. After we had a nice meal with  baguettes and cheese.

I hope you all have a great week!


Frère Bake

FFF of he week - French people love yogurt!

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