Sunday, October 4, 2015

Week 82, Agen, Bordeaux and Mezin France


This week went by very fast! I am still having a great time in Agen
with Elder Wilson. We are getting a lot better at French and having a
good time. So one of the exiting things we did this week was go to
Bordeaux for a special missionary meeting with Elder Adler in the
quorum of the 70. To start off we listened to President Brown and then
Sister Brown who showed a clip from a byu football game at part of her
talk. Then Elder Adler got up and after a few words I was like, "Wow
that is not an American accent." It turns out that he and his wife are
from Germany. They are both awesome and I learned a lot. Some of the
things he talked about are that we need to focus more on improving our
French so that people can understand us. He also talked a lot about
making sure that we are doing what we need to do to be constantly
improving our testimonies in Christ. I have been trying recently to
work on always testifying of Christ and it has been great.

Another fun thing we did this week was go to Mezin where we visited
the Somson family. We also talked to some people in Mezin and met one
nice family that said to come back and then we met another guy and
spent about an hour talking to him. He has some very interesting ideas
but we were able to introduce the Book of Mormon to him which he had
never heard of before.

Miracle of the week - There are three new people who just moved into
the Agen branch. One of them, Jean Robert, was actually in Agen before
and was baptized here about a year ago and then went to Bayonne but
now he is back! We went and saw him this week and he told us his story
which is amazing. He is so happy now that he has the gospel and is
getting ready to go to the temple! There is also a guy named Cedric
who is 20 and is here for studies. He is planning on going on a
mission in a year too.

I hope you all have a great week!


Frère Bake

Fun French fact of the week
Almost everyone in France has dogs! There are these little dog that are
smaller than cats that are especially popular. After being on a
mission for a little while now I like dogs a lot less than I did

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