Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Week 39, Aix en Provence

Aix en Provence at Christmas

Hello Everyone.

I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving. I was invited over to an American's house and we had a huge feast with all of the Thanksgiving essentials like turkey, stuffing, and sweet potatoes.

Fun French Fact of the week:
Normally for meals we eat each food one at a time and you don't start eating something else until you have eaten everything on the plate and cleaned it of with bread. 

With that said, for Thanksgiving we just stuffed all the food on our plates at the same time until there was no room left and food was falling off the sides and it was awesome! Also, the people we ate with have a glass house. It is really cool and there is a big slab of marble in the middle that looks really cool when the light shines through the glass. After dinner we showed everyone a new video that the church made called He is the Gift. It is really great and you should all watch it. www.mormon.org/christmas#ShareTheGift Then we sang America for all of the other people. My companion was not allowed to sing with us because he is not American. 
This week I did an exchange with Elder Dover who used to me my companion back in Valence! We had a lot of fun working together and talking about old times. We also taught a lesson to a student about the Plan of Salvation. It was one of the best lessons we have taught together. 
Miracle of the Week
We taught a lady named Rose and she agreed to meet with us 3 times a week! We are really exited about this because we will be able to help her learn a lot and really understand the things we teach.

I hope you all have a great week
Elder Bake

Elders Turkey Bowl

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