Monday, December 15, 2014

Week 40, Aix en Provence and Manosque

December 8, 2014


Bonjour a tous,

I had a great week here in Aix. I am really happy to be here and I think this is my favorite place I have served in so far. The mission president called us on Friday and told us that my companion, Elder Arts, and I will be staying in Aix for the next 8 weeks. Earlier this week I went to Manosque and did a companion exchange with a new missionary named Elder Dunn. We had a great time and did a lot of good work! Thursday was my birthday so that was good. It is weird to think that I am 20 now. We went to some famous Cathedrals in Aix with one of our amis July. July a 60 year old American and is by far the most interesting person I have ever meet. On Sunday we went to a family from our ward house for dinner. Their son just got back from his mission in Tahiti! I hope you all have a great day.

Elder Bake

Anders on his 20th Birthday

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