Monday, December 29, 2014

Week 43, Aix en Provance

Christmas Pancake Breakfast


I hope you had a great Christmas last week. I think that this Christmas was the best Christmas of my life! The whole week was a miracle. Our plans worked out, we were able to make a lot of people happy and we got to think about the miracle of Christ's birth. On Wednesday we went to a lady's house for dinner with the other missionaries in Aix. She is really nice and became a member of the church a few months ago. She was going to be alone on Christmas Eve but then she invited us over and we all had a really great time. She was very happy to have us over and made a really nice meal for us. We missed our bus home that night so we slept over at the other Elders apartment and then ran back to our place in the morning. It was fun running through the empty streets of Aix on Christmas morning to start the day. We opened up our presents and went to the Church. One of the other Elders had the idea to make breakfast for all of the people that were going to be alone on Christmas morning. We called a lot of people before to invite them and we had a lot of people come. We made American pancakes. Many of people there said they had never had them before and had never used maple syrup either. We watched a short movie about Christ's birth and played a game. Everyone that came was so happy and I am so glad that we were able to do that. The people that came would have had a very lonely Christmas but instead they had a great one. I really want to do this next year too. Our mission president encouraged us to try to serve others as much as we can and I think we did that very well. Later in the day we visited some other members and I got to Skype my family. It was really fun to see all of you even though you looked a little tired. Next time we will have to do it at a better time. 
We have been working a lot with our ami Gabriel recently. He came to Church this week which was great! A lot of the members were nice to him which is really important. After we talked to him and he said that the topics of the talks where the things he had been thinking of. 
I hope you all have a great new years

Elder Bake
Fun French Fact of the Week:
A really popular dessert in Southern France is a chocolate log. They have a tradition where the youngest and the oldest in the house bring out the log and walk around the table three times.
Christmas Eve
Christmas Eve
Christmas Eve
Christmas Pancake Breakfast
Christmas Dinner made by Elder Art






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