Monday, December 15, 2014

Week 41, Aix en Provence

Noel il arrive

Bonjour Cher friends and family,

This week was great. I am really happy that I am staying here in Aix for Christmas. I love Christmas and it is really great to be celebrating it here in France. The city has a lot of decorations and lights up for Christmas which makes it very fun. Today it was p-day and I spent some time making paper snowflakes to decorate our apartment. We have been trying really hard recently to talk with everyone about the true reason for Christmas and the gift that Christ is in our lives. I am really grateful for everything that my Savior, Jesus Christ has done for me. My testimony of my Savior has increase as I have consecrated this time in my life to serve and live like Him.
Miracle of the Week:
We found a new ami! His name is Gabriel and he used to visit with the missionaries in the past. We visited him a few times last week and he came to English class to help us teach because he already knows English very well.
One thing we have been working on recently is visiting the members and giving them a little book that we got from our president and then sharing the "He is the Gift" video with them. The book is a short Christmas story from Elder Andersen's mission. It is going to be tricky to visit everyone because a lot of the members live far away in small towns outside of Aix but we will try. I really like to do short visits with members so I am exited to do this.
Yesterday after church we went to a retirement home with the young adults in the ward and sang Christmas songs. This is a fun tradition that they do in this ward every year. It was really fun for me to do this because my family does the exact same thing every Christmas Eve. It is fun to think that even though I am here in France I am not missing out on this tradition. It was fun to see how old people are pretty much the same everywhere and really appreciate it when people come to serve them and care about them.
I hope you all have a great week,

Elder Bake 
Fun French Fact of the Week:
A popular French Christmas decoration is a Santa that is hanging on a rope. 

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