Monday, February 2, 2015

Week 48; Aix en Provence, Manosque, Gap, Digne, Rogne and Saint-Cannat

Aix en Provence

Bonjour mes amis,

This week was very long but in a good way you know. On Monday we taught a great lesson with a lady. We planned to teach about the plan of salvation but ended up talking a lot about faith and how she can have more faith and a better relationship with God. On Tuesday we went to Manosque and were out of Aix until Thursday night. We did an exchange with Elder Dover and Dunn in Manosque and is was a lot of fun. Elder Dunn and I were together in a town called Digne where we talked to a lot of people. I don't think that town has seen very many missionaries.
This week our district decided to do a crepe challenge in which we ate crepes for every meal. We had some interesting things while we were in Manosque and Gap including many different variations of crepe burritos, crepes with mangoes and pizza rapped in a crepe. Some Elders had crepes with mac and cheese and a burger rapped in a crepe.  I got pretty good at making crepes and also a little sick of it but it was fun.

After staying in Manosque we went to Gap. We were with Elder Zenger the whole time because his companion was in the hospital. Don't worry he is out now and doing well. I had a good time up in Gap in the snow. Even though Elder Brown was in the hospital their amis came to see him and he was able to get out in time for their baptism on Saturday. When we left Gap on Thursday it was snowing, when we passed through Manosque it was raining and when we got back to Aix it was nice and sunny. We met up with Elder Olsen who stayed with us for the weekend because his companion had to leave him early to be the assistant to the president. We got our calls from the president the next morning and found out that I will be staying here in Aix and getting Elder Whiting as my new companion. Elder Arts is going to Lyon.
On Saturday we helped a family move, who are friends with a member family, and then we went straight to Rogne to teach Wayne and then Saint-Cannat to teach Charmain. We were in jeans and shorts the whole day from the move which felt a little wired but it was a great day.
Miracle of the Week: We had 7 amis come to church on Sunday. They all had a great time and I was especially happy to have July there who was really welcomed by everyone.
So right now I am with my new companion Elder Whiting. We have met before and I am really exited to be serving with him. He is my second companion from Texas!!!!  Sorry I forgot to bring my cord this week to send pictures.
Have a great week 

Elder Bake 

Fun French Fact of the week: 
Everyone in France knows and loves Texas. At church on Sunday I told everyone my new companion is from Texas and they are all so exited.  

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