Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Week 49, Aix en Provence

Elder Bake and Elder Arts next to an advertisement for Elder Art's home town in The Netherlands
Hello Everyone,

This week was the first week of the new transfer and my new companion Elder Whiting. Elder Whiting is great! He is from Texas and comes from a family of 8. He is really great at speaking French, he works hard, is good at talking to everyone and is a great teacher. He has been serving for about 1 month. I am really exited to continue working with him. I am also really happy to be staying here in Aix-en-Provence. It is probably the favorite place I have served.
So this week I got my new companion on Monday and said goodbye to Elder Arts. Then on Tuesday we had a packed day with an English class and then a lesson in Rhone with Wayne. Later we went to see Fr. Fernandez because it was his birthday! We sang to him and had a great time. Fr.Fernandez is a really old guy that I like a lot. He was building a model boat that he just finished. I'll have to send a photo of it.
We also did a lot of service this week for members and had a good time making people happy. We went outside of Aix a lot. It is fun to see new things. We went to a ville called Trets which is pretty and saw a member there. 
Miracle of the Week: 
This week we went to visit a member in Aix who has not been to church in a long time.  She is a single mom with three kids and was happy to have us over and then she came to church on Sunday. What was even more great was that after church almost all the members went and talked to her and were so happy to see her again. I really like our ward here. There is a lady, Sr. Sirieix, that teaches the class for investigators that reminds me of you mom.  She is always talking with everyone at church especially those who have problems.  She helps and comforts them. She is also really welcoming to the amis and always asking us about them. She used to be Muslim.
On Sunday we had a really great time at church. My companion was really exited to see all the members because he came from Narbonne where there are only 4 members so it was fun for him to be in a big ward. After church we talked to people on the road and met some great people. 

Have a great week,

Elder Bake

Fun French fact of the week:
The Kebab: a kebab is a sandwich thing with a lot of meat in it and is a missionary favorite. It comes from Turkey I think but there are a lot of Kebab restaurants in France. 

Disclaimer: some of the fun French facts of the week are not entirely true. I just sort of make them up as I go.   
Fr. Hitoto



Fr. Laben's home - "unique for France"

Train Station

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