Monday, February 23, 2015

Week 51, Aix en Provence

This boy loves his begets



This week was great. W are working really hard to talk to people about their families and it is a lot of fun. We spent a good amount of time this week taking to people on the road which I also enjoy. I have not been doing this as much recently because we have been really busy but I really like doing it. We meet some really great people this way and have some fun conversations. A lot of people gave us their numbers too so that we could stay in contact with them. Then our phone stopped getting txts so it made this really hard for a few days but it's all good now. We met one really cool guy earlier in the week who is a student here and he came to church on Sunday!
Miracle of the week:
We were at the church one morning because we were helping to set up for a Valentine activity and this guy showed up and the church asking to see the bishop. The bishop was not there but luckily we were and we got to talk to him. He is from South America. He has a girlfriend who just joined the church and he wanted to know more about us. We gave him a Book of Mormon in Spanish and had a really great conversation with him. He already knows a lot about the church and said so much about how he loves our principals and how we think the family is important. Unfortunately he was on his way back to South America. Then the next day we were on the bus and we look over and he happened to be on the same bus as us! It was a one in a million chance that that happened. We gave him our email so hopfuly he will email us when he gets baptized.
I hope you all have a great week. Bonne semaine!

Elder Bake

Fun French fact of the week: French people almost only use grid paper and it is really hard to find lined paper anywhere. 

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