Monday, February 16, 2015

Week 50, Aix en Provence, Rogne and Pertuis

Last week I got a package from my family with my valentines bag in it. I think this is the only time I will be celebrating a holiday for the first and last time on my mission. Soon I will be going through everything for the 2nd and last time! We had a great week this week and have been teaching a lot more. On Tuesday I did an exchange in Aix with Elder Thompson who was at BYU at the same time as me. It was fun to remember some of the things we used to do at school.

Miracle of the week:
On Tuesday we taught our English class, which we do every week, and then we taught an ami and we had another ami help us! At the end of the lesson a man came into the church and asked for help with his genealogy and for a book of Mormon. I told him we could help him! We had a great lesson with him and then set up a time the next day to do genealogy with him and a member. 
Wednesday was our zone meeting and we had I had a great time. I got to see Elder Fisk from the MTC and my first companion Elder Davis who I have not seen for almost a year now. He is the Assistant to the president now and it was really great to see him again. It was good to catch up on good times.
We went to Rogne again to see our ami Wayne who is doing well and we also went to a ville called Pertuis to visit two members who live there. It is really fun to visit small towns that are so old and out in the middle of the country. In Pertuis we visited a member family who owns a bakery. They took us back to the kitchen and showed us around. They are a super funny family and we had a great time. It does not get much better then getting a private tour from some French people in their family bakery.
Church was really great this week. We had a lot of amis come to church. One of our amis invited her friend to come to church and they both had a great time.
I home you all have a great week


Elder Bake

Fun French fact of the week:
I found out this week that in France they do celebrate Valentines day but unfortunately they overlook Oregon's birthday which is also the 14th.  
Elder Johnson and Elder Fisk

Elder Whiting and his Valentines

Happy Valentine's Day to me

Um, Ian's Valentine to me

Elder Bake, Cueva, Thompson, Whiting

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