Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Week 52, Aix en Provence, Ronge, Saint-Raphael and Nice



This week was one of the best! I was really exited last weekend because by Sunday we already had a bunch of lessons set up for the week. Most of them worked out and we were running around from one lesson to the next in the beginning of the week. My companion complains sometimes that we are always needing to run to get to something on time or catch a bus but I like it. This week we taught our amis Jackline, Joel, Halima, Wayne, the Garsias, and Frederic. They are doing well especially Frederic who is really interested in our church and accepted the challenge to be baptized this week. He takes notes during our lessons and asks really good questions. Wayne is also doing well. He accepts everything we teach and it is fun to go out to Ronge and see him. I saw him one time this week with Elder Nye because we did an exchange. Our bus got home really late so we had to run home to get our bags and eat some potatoes and then took a really slow bus to the gare and barely made our train. We were then out of Aix from Thursday night to Sunday afternoon. We stayed in Saint-Raphael which is a really cool touristy town on the beach. It was my companions first time seeing a beach and I told him that the Saint-Raphael beach is not a bad place to have a first beach experience. We went to the beach Saturday morning for our morning exercises and had a good time. There was a bunch of Elders all together for the weekend and we had a great time. There was a mission conference in Nice on Friday and then stake conference in Nice on Sunday. I learned a lot in both the meetings and am really exited to apply everything. Right now we are trying to focus a lot on families in our missionary work and get people to talk more about the importance of families in our lives. This is a lot of fun and going really well so far. On Sunday we took a bus back to Aix with the members. During conference they did not have any space so we were in the hall but then they had us go sit in the back behind the speaker which was a little scary.
Miracle of the week: Wayne and a less active member that we work with, named Fernando, both came to stake Conference in Nice and became BFFs and had a great time. 
I hope you all have a great week!

Elder Bake

Streets of Saint Rapheal

Train Ride

View from the train

All the Elders squeezing into one apartment

Nice Conference, or should we say a conference in Nice?
Fun French fact of the week: In down town Nice there are orange trees lining the roads. 

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