Monday, March 23, 2015

Week 55, Aix en Provence


This week was great. It was my first week with my new companion Elder Walters. We had a really great start to the new transfer. I am really exited for this transfer and know that we are going to see some great miracles. We were really busy this week. On Tuesday we taught our English class about St. Patrick's Day and taught the Garcia family. We saw Wayne on Wednesday. We taught him about prayer and then later in the week we watched a film with him called finding faith in Christ which is a little old but it was still good. 
Normally we go to ward council once a week which is where we talk to some of the people in the ward about missionary work and try to get things organized to help the ward. It is hard sometimes because we need to talk in French but I feel like I am getting a lot better at it and better able to help the ward. I really like working together like this with the members. We also have a meeting before ward council with the ward mission leader who helps coordinate the missionary work in the ward. We have the best ward mission leader in France. His name is Kevin and he helps us a lot.
We did service this week for a lady where we took really cold sand out of a big bucket. It was not the most fun thing but we got play with the dog while we did it. The Kools invited us over as well at the last minuet. I don't know if I've mentioned anything about them but they are a really great couple. We are teaching the wife, Charmain, who is from the Philippines and the husband is from the Netherlands. I really like them and it is always a good time at their house. They always feed us a big meal that is a mix of Philippine, Dutch and French food. We also went to Pertuis again to see Leonard. I have only been there twice but every time I go it rains. It is still a nice town.
Miracle of the week:  On Sunday we were scheduled to teach a family who are a little closed. As my companion and I were preparing for our lesson I was having a hard time knowing what to teach.  As we prayed we both felt strongly that we should teach about families. When we met with the family and started talking to them about their family they opened up a lot and we had a great time and they told us that we could talk to her neighbor about the same thing! 
I hope you all have a great week!


Elder Bake

Fun French Fact of the week: They do not celebrate St. Patrick's day in France. Today I made myself a baguette sandwich with goat cheese. It was really good!

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