Monday, April 13, 2015

Week 56 Aix en Provence

Bonjour ma famille et mes amis,

So the computer and the church does not work anymore so we get to do email at a internet cafe for a bit. This reminds me of the good ol days in Montpellier. Last Monday after we did are emails and everything Elder Walters and I decided to go for a run to a place we saw on our map of Aix called Chateau du Diable. That means castle of the devil. It look like it would not be too far from our house but it ended up being a lot further than we thought and after wondering around in the forest for a while we had to go back without finding it but maybe we will another day.
We had a really great lesson with Joelle this week. We talked about the temple and brought a member with us who recently started coming back to church and has not been to the temple yet so the lesson was just as much for him and it went really well. We had another lesson with Joelle later in the week. The second time we talked about the Holy Ghost. We were able to answer a lot of her questions and help her realize that she does not need to have a big spiritual experience to feel the holy ghost but that it is normally still small things and comes bit by bit. On Thursday we went to Manosque for district meeting. We learned a lot about setting good goals and how we can teach better. I saw Elder Shaw who was in my MTC district and is now in my district again.
For Easter the ward had a special Easter reunion because it is General Conference next week. We were in the choir for it and did a practice on Saturday. We sang some fun French Easter songs and one of my favorite songs Aimez vos frere. There was a lot of people in the ward who participated and we all had a great time. We did a lot with Nichola Pichon who is just back from his mission this week. It is fun doing things with him and talking in English. I am really exited for General Conference this week! We are inviting everyone we can think of to come.
Miracle of the week:
We were walking in town on Sunday and a lady who does not come to church anymore came up to us and talked to us. We had a really great time talking with her and invited her to General Conference. Later we saw a lady who we teach on the road who we have not seen for a long time so it was great to see her again. Both of these people happened to be in the right place at the right time for us to see them when we really needed to. 

pas a good week. 

Elder Bake

Fun French Fact of the week:

My companion talks to me a lot about the Pays Basque where he use to serve. It is an area in France and Spain where they speak a different language (Basque). They are famous for sheep and they are always trying to become their own country and are very proud of being Basque. 

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