Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Week 62 Agen, France


Elder Pien and Elder Bake
Hello Everyone,
It was so great to speak with you yesterday for Mothers Day. I had a really fun time. It is so fun to see how everyone looks and to hear your voices; mostly Ian's because it is so deep. It was a lot of fun to see my companion's family who was on vacation in Asia. We Skyped in the church with the Murers who are the senior missionary couple here. They are so awesome!

This week we were actually pretty busy with lessons but we still had a good amount of time in between to speak to people on the streets. I find that I talk to a lot more people here in Agen then before even though we are still really busy. I guess I make better use of my time or I am just getting better at talking to everyone. It is really fun to talk to people even if they are not at all interested in talking to us at first. I think I used to get discouraged when people were not interested but I don't really care about that any more. Earlier this week we were talking with people in the down town area of Agen and no one wanted to talk with us, but as we started to head over to our next appointment I had a really great conversation with a man about his family, basketball, and how he has a lot of faith in Jesus Christ (which we don't find very often here). When I was going to leave one of the last things he said was how he noticed that my companion and I looked different; that we had a light in us. It was really cool to hear this because I know that this light is not my light but Christ's.
It is great to have an experience like this to show me that this is really Gods work and that he really does work through me to help others. We plan to meet with this same man tomorrow.
We taught Aurore two more times this week about the Gospel of Jesus Christ and commandments. Both of the lessons went really well and she is still good to be baptized! The first lesson I had with her was on Wednesday when I was on an exchange with another Elder from Bordeaux. It was a little interesting because the Elder had only been on the mission for a short time. I think I would be very happy if I never trained and new missionary.

Miracle of the week:

Last week we miraculously crossed paths with a man who is a member of the church but has not been to church for about 20 years. We had a great conversation with him and exchanged numbers. Then on Saturday he called us and told us he wanted to come to church.  To see him at church yesterday was something I never thought would happen. He had a good time and the members were very friendly to him. We plan to go to his house later this week. This was one of the coolest miracles I have seen on my mission and I am really exited to see what will happen with him. Aurore also came to church for the first time yesterday and had a great time.
I gave a talk yesterday at church.
Have a great week
Elder Bake

FFF of the Week:
In France McDonalds is a considered more of a fancy restaurant. They call it Mac Do
View from Apartment in Agen
Apartment in Agen - All the interior and exterior walls are made of a mixture of rocks
Couscous dinner in our apartment

Countryside in Agen


Inside the Church building


Café in Agen

Train Station in Bordeaux

1 comment:

  1. Anders looks so healthy and happy! I love reading these, and I love the pictures. The apartment even looks beautiful. That was funny about the exchange with the new elder. Training a new missionary in a foreign country has got to be hard, but I'm sure he will meet the challenge gracefully when it comes.
