Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Week 63 Agen France

Bonjour tous le monde,

I finished another great week in Agen. I am starting to get use to things here. We are half way done with the transfer now. I have already had a really good first half and I'm looking forward to an even better 2nd half. This week we had the chance to teach our investigator about the Word of Wisdom and the law of chastity. It was good to teach these things because they are really important but we do not teach them very often. We normally focus first on the basics like Jesus Christ and the restoration of his Gospel. Then we tell people about God's plan for us and the things Christ has asked us to do to be more happy. I have realized recently that it seems like almost of all the world's big problems come from people not living the law of chastity. Even if people do not believe in God, the commandments God gives us are for everyone and makes everyone more happy!
On Thursday we had English class and our ami Ludavic and his wife came! It was a lot of fun. I really like teaching English class. We taught them the longest word in English. I am not going to write it because it will take to long and I know that I will spell it wrong. We went to a lot of small towns that are a bit of a drive away this week. We did this to take advantage of the Murers who can drive us to these places that are hard to get to on a bus. We have to do this now because the Murers are leaving next week! They are so nice and I am really grateful for the chance I have had to get to know them in the last few weeks. I have learned so much from them and they have done so much for me and everyone in Agen the last year and a half.
Miracle of the week: We went to Villeneuf to see Jean Lou this week and had a really great time with him and the Murers. He has had a hard life but is really doing a lot to try to make it better. One thing I admire about him is his humility and that he recognizes that he needs Christ in his life even though is has been so long. He also came to church for the 2nd time yesterday!
Yesterday after church we had a branch meal which was a lot of fun and then we went to Mezin to see a member and the Santos family. We also visited a small town called Montreal. My companion is from the other Montreal in Canada. Everyone was really nice there for the most part and the drive there was amazing. I really don't think I have ever seen a more beautiful view in my life. After seeing the beauty of the earth it is hard to understand how people don't believe that there is a God.
Have a great week
Elder Bake

FFF of the Week
There are 6 cities in France called Montreal


The Murers


Elder Pien - dnner

"Lined paper; I haven't seen this in months"

Pettit Carcarson


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