Monday, May 4, 2015

Week 61 Agen, France

I just finished my first week in my new home: Agen. It was great! We are teaching a lot of people but there is not really anyone that is very engaged so we are going to get them more committed to meeting with us and then find other people. That's the plan and so far its going well!
Agen is a really small city with wide roads. There are not a lot of young people and it is dead after 6pm. There are a lot of clothing stores here and a canal that runs through the city. I think I already talked about the interesting architecture with the bricks and rocks in the walls.
Yesterday was my first day at church. We had 16 people come. We meet in a house that has been remodeled a bit to make it into a church. The branch president is named Fr. Zambo. He has a really cool family with 3 kids and another on the way. The oldest is 16, I think, and he is really cool. We are going to try to spend time with him. Yesterday we blessed the sacrament together at church. It was actually my first time blessing the sacrament in French. I still have my perfect record of never messing up! The other members are great too. One of them is a 26 year old student who just got baptized 6 months ago in northern France and is studying here. There is another really nice Brazilian lady who lives really far away but comes to church every week with her daughter even though her husband does not come.
Miracle of the week: The Brazilian lady invited her friend and her family to church a few weeks ago and this week we went to her town and taught her friend and family. They are also from Brazil and have 2 kids. One of them Marlon is 16 and he is a really cool kid. We taught them about the restoration of the gospel and showed them a short video about Joseph Smith. They all really liked it and felt the spirit. We talked a lot about how the gospel of Jesus Christ can help her family and she was really touched by that. After that we ate crepes!
I am really exited to keep working with this family and I am grateful for this experience to share my testimony about the things I know are true. It helps me realize how important the restoration and Jesus Christ are in my life. I am really glad that I have the chance to share these things often as a missionary. I really want to share the message of the restoration of Christ church with as many people as I can this month weather it be the first time or 500th time they have heard this story it can have a big influence on our personal lives.
I can't forget to talk about the Merurs. They are a super great senior couple from Suisse. They are serving a mission as a couple. Normally the senior couples stay in the same place their whole missions and they are serving here in Agen. They have been here for about 1 year and a half and are going home in about 4 weeks. They have done a lot for the branch here and a lot for us, the missionaries. They live right next to us and take us around anywhere we want. With them we pretty much have a car. We also have bikes! So the Merurs are really great and I want to get the most out of them before they leave. They also help us a lot with French which is nice. I will have to send a picture of them next week. They are both way too funny.
My companion, Elder Pien, is great. We have had some good times and get along really well. He is from Montreal Canada. He is from the English speaking part of the city but he went to a French high school. He has been on the mission for about 8 months and was in a Chinese speaking companionship before he came to Agen.
This week one of the people we are teaching committed to be baptized next month. She still has a long ways to go but that was very exiting. Her name is Aurore.
Sorry I don't have pictures I forgot my camera again.
Have a great week
Elder Bake

FFF of the week:
Most stores are not open on Monday, or Sunday or holidays which seem to happen once every two weeks or so.

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