Friday, May 29, 2015

Week 64, Agen France

Elder and Sister Murer
I hope everyone is doing well. I am having a great time here in Agen getting to know the members and how to get around a lot better. We did a good amount of door to door proselyting or porting as we call it this week. We met some really nice people and of coarse some not as nice people. We went to this neighborhood that looked like an American neighborhood with big sidewalks and yards in front of all the houses. It felt a little like we stepped out of France for a while and were back in America. We talked to one really nice lady for about an hour about her family and such. She showed us her garden and gave us some juice. Then we talked to another guy who was walking his dog and he was interested in talking to us again.
We visited a few of the members this week. One of them was Sr. Pramparo who is a nice old lady. Her husband was off hunting mushrooms so we could not talk to him but I asked her to see if we could go mushroom hunting with him some time. We will see. On Wednesday we went to Jean Louis for the second time and he came to church again yesterday which was the 3rd time now that he has come to church. He made us some Belgium waffles that were really good and gave us some to take home. Then at church on Sunday he gave us more but we still have not finished the first batch. Jean Louis is very cool and has definitely been the big miracle of the transfer and even my mission so far. I feel really blessed that I have the opportunity to work with him and be a part of this miracle.
Saturday was a very fun day. We did a branch service project near Mezan. The service was for the owner of our apartment who is one of the coolest and funniest guys I know. He is really old though and has a hard time doing things around the house. We spent most of the time cutting out a bunch of plants that had grown around a little lake. It was some hard work. It reminded me a lot of the stuff I did for my Grandma and Grandpa Ririe before my mission. It was a lot of fun to do stuff like that again. We also had a lot of the members come to help even though they all live really far away. We also had 2 non members come who also came to church on Sunday. Half way through we had a really great French meal with all the important parts of a French meal. I am starting to like the cheese with all the green mold spots in it. It looks so wrong but I just close my eyes and tell myself it will be ok.
Miracle of the week: At church yesterday I counted 29 people at church. This is really great if you remember that my first week we only had 16. It is really great to see people coming and having a good time at church.
Yesterday's church service was very special because it was the last day for the Murers in Agen. The Murers are a older couple from Switzerland who have been serving a mission in Agen for the last year and a half. They both gave talks and sang a hymn that they memorized during there mission. I don't think I have heard it before in English but it is definitely one of my favorite hymns now. Everyone said buy to the Murers after including us. It was hard to say goodbye but I am really glad that I had the chance to work with them.
Have a wonderful week.
Frère Bake

FFF of the Week: Today is the Pentecost so all the stores are closed and the buses are not running. I just found this out today. I guess we will do our shopping tomorrow.
Last Supper with the Murers

Mamadou and the Murers




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