Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Week 74, Agen, France


Cathedral in Auch


This was a great week in Agen and was the second full week with my new
companion Elder Wilson. He is a great guy and we have been having a
very good time. He went to the Y before his mission and knows
everything about BYU sports. He is also picking up French very quickly
which is very impressive. He has already had a lot of French food which
is great but yesterday he made the classic new guy mustard mistake.
(mustard in France is way, way hotter than it is in America).

On Wednesday we went to Auch and visited Frère Carousel who
fed us and then we went with us to visit Philip. He use to live in
America and served a mission to Canada so
he speaks perfect English. Auch is a cool city that is actually
bigger than Agen!

We have also been teaching a new family that was taught by the
missionaries once before. We taught them about prayer.  After the lesson we knelt and the father offered the prayer.  He then told us that this
was one of his first times praying so it was a really great

On Saturday we had an activity with the branch that was a lot of fun.
We had a picnic and played a few games. We also found this really
weird bug that looked like a mix between a centipede and a spider.Kerry and her kids
also came which was great and then she came to church again yesterday.
They gave us a bunch of food before we left and some Roquefort cheese
which is my favorite cheese now.

Miracle of the week -  We had a goal on Saturday to teach two lessons
but we only had one planned. Then the lesson got canceled but we were
able to find other people and still teach two lessons. They were both
very powerful experiences.

Yesterday a couple we are teaching invited us over for dinner and we
had a blast. They feed us a full fledged French meal with all of the
courses. It was a lot of fun and very good. I hope you all have a
great week


Frère bake

Fun French fact of the week- like I sad before, the mustard is very
hot.  When you buy mayonnaise it comes with mustard mixed in
and it is always Dijon.

bug at the ward activity

Selfie on a bike

Train station in Agen

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