Monday, October 5, 2015

Week 83, Agen France

Museum in Agen


I hope everything is going all right over in the states because things
are crazy over here! Just kidding all is well. This week we had the
chance to watch general conference which was a big highlight of the
week.  When I got to Agen it was just after the last general
conference so I did not really expect to be here for this one but
then a few weeks ago I was looking at the calendar and was like, "wow,
that last few months flew by." We watched the Saturday morning session
Saturday night and then the priesthood session Sunday morning and then
we watched the Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning sessions. I have
not yet seen the Sunday afternoon but I will have to see it soon. This
was also my last general conference on the mission! I learned a lot of
great things that will help me for the rest of my life!

The rest of the week was great too.  We went to Mezin again and had a great time
with the Somsons and found a lot of other people that want us to come
back and talk to them. I like to go to the little villages where we
have not been. Sometimes we go places and it might be the first time
missionaries with the restored gospel have even been there! I hope you
all have a great week


Frère bake

Fun North African fact of the week: In North Africa they have a Muslim
holiday where they kill a sheep and eat it. Then they give the
leftover stomach pieces to their neighbors. The Somsons got some from their neighbor and shared it with us. I sent a picture. They also have big horns on the top of
the Mosques that a guy sings into to tell everyone in the town to come
and pray.

My attempt to make French food

District Meeting - Matching companions

District Meeting

Honey and Cheese Toast

Fr. Cedric

Hunting Mushrooms with the Zambos Family

Fr. Econda

Jean Lou

Jean Robert

N'inday's kids

N'inday's kids

N'inday family

Kim and Nesser

Kenen Zambos


Rebecca Zambos

Sr. Zambos

Sr. Wakon




Yennick Zambos

The Cousters

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