Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Week 84, Antibes, France



Streets of Antibes
So I am on the road again! Well I was on the train yesterday for a
really long time. I am in Antibes now with Elder Orr! He is awesome. 
He is from Utah!

Last week seems so long ago now. I don't really remember a lot of details
of what happened but it was great!
Miracle of the week
I got a chance to see everyone for the last time and ended my sojourn
in Agen with a bang! We had one of e best weeks of the transfer with a
lot of great lessons and were able to meet a lot of new people for
Elder Wilson to work with. I am going to miss Agen a lot and all of the
great people I met there.

One of the fun things we did was go to Mezin
and hunt mushrooms with the Somsons. It was so awesome! Mr. Somson
is really opening up to us and the idea of us teaching him.

On Saturday night Brother Zambos called and asked if I could give
the lesson for the first class on Sunday! So I tried to put some stuff
together and then the stake president decided to drive all the way
from Bordeaux and visit! Quel pressure! It was a little rough and my
French went out the window but I got through it.

The train to Antibes was fun. First we went to Toulouse where I got the
really good kebab there with cheese in it and said goodbye to Elder
Wilson then I went to Marseille where I got some chicken nuggets at
Mac Do's (McDonalds) and met my new companion Elder Orrrrrr! Then we went to
Antibes. This morning we ran to the beach. It is awesome!

Love you all

Frère Bake

My new companion, Elder Or

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