Thursday, November 12, 2015

Week 88 Antibes, France

I found the Statue of Liberty! in Nice

We started this week with a trip to Aix for a missionary conference which was fun. It has been 6 months since I was there and I was able to see some of the city and the church building again. I really miss that place. I had some good times there. I do not know if I can say which city I have served in that is my favorite because I have loved them all but Aix is one of my favorites. In the conference, we learned a lot about planning and organizing which I think is very important so I was very happy to learn more about that. I also got to see some missionaries that I have not seen in a very long time like Elder Frost who was in the MTC with me. After the conference I went to Toulon to do a companion exchange with Elder Lithgo. He is a cool guy.
I am looking forward to meeting a lady who is a member and just moved here with her husband; he is a non member and from Australia. She contacted us because she was excited to find out that there are missionaries in Antibes.  We will meet them on Saturday. 
We went to a guys house who lives with his really old mom and her English husband. We were able to give the Mom the sacrament because she can't come to church on Sundays. Theuy fed us raclette which is my favorite food. It was Elder Orr's first time having it. We ate it the real Swiss way where we had the meat first with onions instead of with the potatoes and cheese. It was really good.
Today we went to Nice with all of the missionaries in the area to have a fun P day. We played Frisbee and went on a fun hike and then went downtown to have ice cream. yeah!


Frère Bake

Fun French Fact of the Week- The beaches in Antibes and Cannes are really nice but in Nice they are just rocky and I am pretty sure they import a little bit of sand to put in some spots. If we could go on the beach I would stay in Antibes. Plus we have big yachts!
With Elder Orr and a family from Antibes

The beach in Nice

Sea Wall in Nice
Elder Frost and Elder Shaw - Friends from the MTC





View of Antibes


Elder Orr and I
Elder Orr's 3rd Kebab in 24 hours

Anders thinks he can get a job as a French model after the missionary gig is up.

Nice Zone


On an exchange in Toulon with a member

View from his apartment

Conference in Aix


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