Saturday, November 7, 2015

Week 87 Antibes, France


Another great week in the Cote d'azur! On Monday we had the perfect p day. We went on a hike to the top of a hill overlooking the coast and then went on to Cannes and had family home evening with a family in the ward; the Family Gentile. I have some pictures to send from this too. We visited and met a lot of really great members like Fr. Sabbe. Fr.Sabbe is the coolest guy in the world. He is super old and he just joined the church 3 years ago. A lot of people here in Antibes like to say that they are too old to change or believe in God but Fr.Sabbe is proof that it is not true. We did a lot of door to door contacting too this week which is always fun. Really it is! On Thursday we had the district meeting in Cannes and we talked about how we can better use The Book of Mormon in our teaching. Then we had nachos for lunch.
On Halloween day we went to a man's house who lives in a very nice town called Grasse. We ate lunch with him and were able to teach him about the temple. Since last year the French people have got a little bit better at Halloweening, but they have still not quite figured it out. The kids just walk around in the middle of the day for about three days with their costumes on. I don't get what they are doing.
I am always amazed at how easy it is to get people to open up and talk with us.  This week we were visiting with a lady who talked with us about her son. She genuinely appreciated what we shared with her even though we are only kids ourselves.  I love being able to tap into the promptings of the Spirit as we serve people.
Sunday was a lot of fun. We taught the Sunday school class for the new members and I feel like it went very well. The Sister team in Cannes is teaching a really cool guy named Anthony who we have gotten to know a little bit and he normaly sits next to us and church. After church we had a brake the fast meal and I got to know some of the members a little bit better. It was a very good week and I am looking forword to many more miracles to come next week. 


Frère Bake

fff of the week- the 2nd floor of buildings is called floor 1.


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