Monday, November 16, 2015

Week 89, Antibes, France

South of Cannes

I just wanted to let everyone know that I am very well and safe. (Anders told me, in a personal letter, that they received a call early Saturday morning from the mission office.  It was the first they had heard about the Paris terrorist attacks.  They were advised to stay in their apartments until further notice. To be honest he seems a little oblivious to the whole thing.)  

I loved speaking with the people here in Antibes this week.  One man stopped to talk with us and we had a great discussion with him while sitting on a park bench. One thing that really impressed me about him was his appreciation for the importance of family. He is a single guy, about 30 years old, who doesn't believe in God but he sees that the family is what is holding society together and believes that laws should protect families. I was able to express my gratitude for families and how my religion and belief in God's plan helps strengthen my family.

We also had the opportunity to meet a nice young couple who lives not too far from us in Juan les Pains. They are married and the wife is a member of the church but her husband is not. We got in contact with them in the beginning of the week and then they came to church on Sunday. I went to their house Sunday evening and we actually ran into them randomly earlier in the week. I am really exited to be seeing them more. Today we went on a really fun boat ride to some islands by Cannes for our p day. It was awesome. I hope you all have a great week


Frère Bake

FFF of the Week - People walk a lot more in France and the cars just stop for everyone without any problem.  

Pday boat trip to islands south of Cannes
Elder Orr and I
This is a picture I found of Juan les Pains


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