Saturday, November 28, 2015

Week 90 Antibes, France

See how nice, and far away Anders is from Paris



This week went by very fast I am having a hard time remembering what we did but I do remember that is was all awesome! I really love Antibes and all of the great people here. Some of my favorite members include Fr. Boquet, Fr. Waldmann and the Frunds. Fr. Boquet lives and works in Antibes. He has a problem walking so he uses two canes to get around. This week he invited us to eat out with him which is always fun. We have also gone to his house a few times to help him move stuff out of his apartment and do things that he can't do himself. Fr. Waldmann has a daughter and a little granddaughter that he takes to church with him. The granddaughter is about 5 and is really cute. He has a very strong testimony of the gospel and a great story of how he found the church. He is the caretaker of a really nice house that is owned by a rich family from the Middle East that pay him to take care of it. It is a pretty good gig because they do not even want to stay in it when they do come to Antibes! We went to the Frunds too this week who have invited us over a few times. The husband is a member and his wife was born and raised in France but to American parents. They love to feed us and the Sister missionaries and they are inviting us over this Thursday for a big Thanksgiving party. She is very exited and is getting everything very well planned in advance. I have really lucked out on my mission with Thanksgiving because last year I was also invited to a party by a half American family. We also had a great lesson with Noemi and Benjamin this week.
Miracle of the week - we invited them to church but they were not sure because they were going to have Benjamin's family come to town and he had not seen them in a year. Then on Saturday they told us that they were coming and we had a great time. It was the primary program at church which is always a hoot so they really liked it and stayed for Sunday school even though they were not planning to.
I hope you all have a great Thanksgiving. It will probably not be as awesome as mine but that's OK.


Frère Bake

Fun French Fact of the week
A lot of French people seem to think that if you are from America than you speak "American" and that English and "American" are two different languages. I have talked to many people who think that American and English people can't understand each other. Based on the conversations I have had with English people I would have to disagree. 

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