Thursday, December 31, 2015

Week 95, Antibes, Cannes, Nice, Lyon and Biot

Bonjour et Joyeux Noël!

This week was full of very exiting things. It felt a little bit like a
vacation which was very different. On Monday we went to Cannes and did
some caroling with a few of the primary boys from the ward. We had
practiced the songs a few times after church to get ready for it and
it turned out very well. We visited a lot of single ladies in the
ward and they were all so happy to have us. The boys also had a
great time.

Then Monday night we went to Nice and then woke up at
2:30am on Tuesday to get on a bus to Lyon. We were on a bus with a lot
of other missionaries from Nice and Aix areas. When we got to Lyon we
all met at this park and played some games before going to an
auditorium that was in an aquarium where we played some more games,
ate tacos, ate lots of candy and watched the Lion King. It had been a
while since I've seen that movie or any movie.

On Wednesday we had a conference with lots of musical performances and then we went back to
Nice. It was really fun to see all of my old companions and people that
I know.

On Christmas Eve we went to the Rodriguez family home for lunch.
We also invited Pierre to come with us
and we had a lot of fun. After eating we went into town and sang some
Christmas songs. I sang a lot of Christmas songs this week!

Christmas morning we opened our presents and went to Maman Gentiles
house. She had one of her sons family over and we had a nice meal and
then went to the church to Skype with the family! It was so great
to see everyone again!

We also went to the Perez tennis club and the Borgognios to eat this
week. So we were pretty busy eating and did not have much time for
anything else. We did go to a cool town called Biot and we worked with a lot of
nice people there.

Miracle of the week
When we were in Biot we talked to this lady and she found out
that my companion is from Utah and she told us that the son of the
local restaurant owner just got back from studying in Utah. We went to
the restaurant and talked to the owner and his son and they were so
happy to see us. The owner was literally born in the restaurant and
his family had been there for years. The son was really nice too and
had friends and roommates who served missions. He went to
Westminster collage. We are thinking that we should go back and eat there
some time.

I wish you all a Happy New Year!


Frère Bake

French Nativity

Elder Orr and I in Biot

Lyon Conference

Bus stop in Cannes

Jasmine and Stephan

Monday, December 21, 2015

Week 94, Antibes France

Merry Christmas!

I am so happy to be spending Christmas in Antibes this year! In a few
minuets we are going caroling with some primary boys and
then we are headed to Nice and then to Lyon the next day. It will be
quite a Christmas adventure but I will have to tell you about that
next week.

This week we had a great time trying to spread the
Christmas spirit to everyone. We showed a lot of people a
little video the church made about Christmas and how it is about the
birth of our Savior. We have I pads now that we can use to show people
which is nice. A lot of people were willing to stop and watch the
video with us!

Miracle of the week - We met a guy who had gone to
our church once before with the missionaries and he was exited to talk
with us again. It turns out that he lives on the same road as another
person we are teaching. How convenient.

Noemie and Benjamin, who we are teaching, are doing very well. We taught them this week with a
member named Rancy. We also went to their house after church and gave
them book of Mormons with their name engraved and our testimonies in
them as a Christmas present.

Happy Birthday Jesus and Ellie!


Frère Bake

Monday, December 14, 2015

Week 93, Antibes and Nice, France

Christmas in Nice, France


Bonjour la famille!

Well it is good to write you all again after another great week in
Antibes. It is beginning to look a lot like Christmas here. There are a
lot of decorations in the city and Christmas stands that we are going
to check out today. I am looking forward to seeing you next week on
skype. That will be fun. The plan is to go to a lady in the word on Christmas Day.

This week we had a member from Antibes come
help us teach Jean who we started teaching. We
also taught the Dufoys with Vincent Perez who got back from a mission
in Paris about a year ago. They are doing really well and came to
church yesterday!

Miracle of the week- my companion and I set a goal to have 4
conversations with people yesterday but we had church and then we went
to a members house who lives far away to give them the sacrament. We
got back just before it was time to go inside but we were still able
to meet our goal and have 5 conversations!

I also did and exchange with Elder Nadald in Nice this week which was
fun. I decided that Nice is a really cool city. The beaches are
terrible but the city is really cool.
Have a great week


Frère bake

Fun French fact of the week
There are a lot of Christmas decorations in the cities in
France but a lot less are done by people at there houses or

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Week 92, Antibes and Toulouse France


Well this week was a great. To start off we found a member who had not been to church in a very long time. We want to his apartment to invite him to our family night
activity and were disappointed when he wasn't home but when we turned around and saw
him coming up the stairs. He was a really nice guy and we saw him
again yesterday. We also had some lessons with new people that we
started teaching and things are going well with them. We saw Neomie
and Benjamin on Wednesday and they are doing well too. We talked about the
plan of salvation and Benjamin had a lot of really great questions. So
now I will have to tell about the big day which was Friday, my 21st
birthday!  I did an exchange the day before so I woke up in Toulon and
then contacted in the morning and found a lot of awesome people
who invited us to talk with them again. Than I went back to Antibes and the
other Elders bought me a pastry and than the four of us went to get
kebabs for lunch. Then Elder Orr and I went to a member who is a
really old guy named Frère Sabb. We had a good time with him and we
had a lot of bus rides so we talked to a lot of people on the bus.
When we where at Frère Sabbs he gave us a really nice pastry and then
we told him that it was actually my Birthday and he was like oh well
it looks like I was inspired. It was really fun. Another miracle was
that we ran into George who we had lost contact will about a month
ago because his phone broke and he was excited to see us!
I hope you all have a great start to the Christmas season.


Frère Bake

Fun French fact of the week
In France when people give you their phone number they give it to you
two digits at a time. We talked to a guy from Russia this week and he
gave us his number three digits at a time and it really messed

Pictures from Anders 21st Birthday Party

The District

 Cannes ward Sisters


Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Week 91 in Antibes, France

Elder Orr and I in front of the Cannes Chapel

Bonjour tous le monde!

This week was great! We had a good start to the new transfer and the
work is really starting to pick up! We are planning to have a family
home evening next week for the ward and so we have been busy getting that all figured out
and inviting people. We were going to have it at the Antibes church
but we can't so instead we are going to have it at this old lady's
house. He name is Sr. Perez and she is really nice and can't come to church
because of her health but she was so exited when we told her about our
idea to have it at her house.

We had a really great lesson with Benjamin and  Noemi this week. Fr. Borgogno joined us and we talked about the temple with them and how we would like to help them get ready to go to the temple one day.

Thanksgiving was a blast. We went to the Frund's and there were about
11 people there. We had a great meal and had a lot of fun getting to
know everyone. We listened to a CD of the Mormon tabernacle
choir singing American songs. Sometimes I feel like Thanksgiving is
more of an American holiday than the 4 th of July because there are so
many traditions around it that are American.

Miracle of the week
We found two amis in two days who are interested in seeing
us again and sharing a message with their families.

I hope you all have a great week


Frère bake

Fun French fact of the week
Peanut butter is very hard to find and the stuff they do have here is
not at all the same. Most French people I have met here do not like
it. They are missing out.

Our Halloween Costumes - I went as Elder Orr and he went as Elder Bake

Mais Voila

At the Frund's

Elders stuffed into a train