Monday, December 14, 2015

Week 93, Antibes and Nice, France

Christmas in Nice, France


Bonjour la famille!

Well it is good to write you all again after another great week in
Antibes. It is beginning to look a lot like Christmas here. There are a
lot of decorations in the city and Christmas stands that we are going
to check out today. I am looking forward to seeing you next week on
skype. That will be fun. The plan is to go to a lady in the word on Christmas Day.

This week we had a member from Antibes come
help us teach Jean who we started teaching. We
also taught the Dufoys with Vincent Perez who got back from a mission
in Paris about a year ago. They are doing really well and came to
church yesterday!

Miracle of the week- my companion and I set a goal to have 4
conversations with people yesterday but we had church and then we went
to a members house who lives far away to give them the sacrament. We
got back just before it was time to go inside but we were still able
to meet our goal and have 5 conversations!

I also did and exchange with Elder Nadald in Nice this week which was
fun. I decided that Nice is a really cool city. The beaches are
terrible but the city is really cool.
Have a great week


Frère bake

Fun French fact of the week
There are a lot of Christmas decorations in the cities in
France but a lot less are done by people at there houses or

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