Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Week 91 in Antibes, France

Elder Orr and I in front of the Cannes Chapel

Bonjour tous le monde!

This week was great! We had a good start to the new transfer and the
work is really starting to pick up! We are planning to have a family
home evening next week for the ward and so we have been busy getting that all figured out
and inviting people. We were going to have it at the Antibes church
but we can't so instead we are going to have it at this old lady's
house. He name is Sr. Perez and she is really nice and can't come to church
because of her health but she was so exited when we told her about our
idea to have it at her house.

We had a really great lesson with Benjamin and  Noemi this week. Fr. Borgogno joined us and we talked about the temple with them and how we would like to help them get ready to go to the temple one day.

Thanksgiving was a blast. We went to the Frund's and there were about
11 people there. We had a great meal and had a lot of fun getting to
know everyone. We listened to a CD of the Mormon tabernacle
choir singing American songs. Sometimes I feel like Thanksgiving is
more of an American holiday than the 4 th of July because there are so
many traditions around it that are American.

Miracle of the week
We found two amis in two days who are interested in seeing
us again and sharing a message with their families.

I hope you all have a great week


Frère bake

Fun French fact of the week
Peanut butter is very hard to find and the stuff they do have here is
not at all the same. Most French people I have met here do not like
it. They are missing out.

Our Halloween Costumes - I went as Elder Orr and he went as Elder Bake

Mais Voila

At the Frund's

Elders stuffed into a train

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