Monday, December 21, 2015

Week 94, Antibes France

Merry Christmas!

I am so happy to be spending Christmas in Antibes this year! In a few
minuets we are going caroling with some primary boys and
then we are headed to Nice and then to Lyon the next day. It will be
quite a Christmas adventure but I will have to tell you about that
next week.

This week we had a great time trying to spread the
Christmas spirit to everyone. We showed a lot of people a
little video the church made about Christmas and how it is about the
birth of our Savior. We have I pads now that we can use to show people
which is nice. A lot of people were willing to stop and watch the
video with us!

Miracle of the week - We met a guy who had gone to
our church once before with the missionaries and he was exited to talk
with us again. It turns out that he lives on the same road as another
person we are teaching. How convenient.

Noemie and Benjamin, who we are teaching, are doing very well. We taught them this week with a
member named Rancy. We also went to their house after church and gave
them book of Mormons with their name engraved and our testimonies in
them as a Christmas present.

Happy Birthday Jesus and Ellie!


Frère Bake

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