Tuesday, February 2, 2016




MSSION FRANQAISE DE LYON Lyon Business Center 59 rue de I'Abonctance 69003 LYON FRANCE

Tel: 04 37 51 18 20 Fax: 04 37 51 12 03

10 January, 2016

Dear Brother and Sister Bake,

As we approach the release date of your son from his mission on February 15, 2015, we are filled with gratitude for his service. As a young man, he came here in faith to serve the Lord and his brothers and sisters in this part of the world. He has done his best to serve faithfully and diligently. He has sought to increase his faith and to learn to conduct himself according to the revelation he receives from the Holy Ghost. He has humbled himself, prayed fervently, overcome difficulties, accepted rejection and hardship, and learned the true meaning of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and in his Atonement.

We are very proud of him. We thank you for your sacrifice and your support of him throughout his mission. He is a dear soul whom we love with all our hearts, and for whose bright future and happiness we pray fervently. We know the Lord is pleased with his service and will give him other opportunities to build up the kingdom of God on the earth.

Elder Bake has of course blessed many people with whom he has worked. Converts and less-actives that he helped come unto Christ, members with whom he associated and worked companions, other missionaries, and his mission president and wife. Moreover, he contacted countless people with whom he planted seeds that will someday bear fruit as they become more prepared to receive the truths of the Gospel.

Your son has enjoyed a great privilege. We will keep him in our hearts and prayers, and we commend him back to you as one who grew into a servant of the Lord and whose divine potential is ever closer to realization as a result of his missionary labors.

Scott D. Brown President
France Lyon Mission

With love and appreciation,

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