Thursday, February 18, 2016

Week 102, Antibes France


So I am now at home in Oregon. I was officially released from my calling as a missionary late last night. I wanted to talk about my last week because it was probably the best week of my mission.  I am so happy with the way everything turned out.

Monday was one of the best p days I have had. Myself and my companion along with the Toulon Elders went to Cannes and played on the dock and did some shopping. We also gave a blessing to a member's mom in the hospital. We were the only ones that could do it because everyone else in the ward was gone to the temple this week in Switzerland.

On Tuesday we went to the Frund's house and ate, did some language study with Sr. Frund who is an English teacher, and had fun. I will miss the Frunds a lot and I'm glad that I got to know them. The rest of the day we had some plans fall through so we ended up just contacting in a tiny city in the pouring rain - it was awesome!

Wednesday was when the miracles really started. In the morning we saw a member and his wife who have recently decided that they wanted to become active in the church. They were very open with us about their desire and motivation. This was really cool to see.  That same day we also saw Brera.  He is a member who we are encouraging to go to the temple.  We were able to get him to set a date to go.  We then went to the Dufoy's boat. After dinner with them they gave us a tour of their fancy boat and then we taught them about the word of wisdom.  In the end we invited Benjamin to be baptized; he accepted and set a date.  The lesson was so awesome.  Benjamin talked about how he has felt the influence of the holy ghost as he has made changes in his life to pray and go to church.  He can see how the gospel will bless his children and his life. I can't imagine a better way to end my mission then to witness Benjamin accepting the gospel.

On Thursday we had district meeting and then we went to the Ouali's for dinner.  The Oualis are a deaf couple. They invited a deaf friend to join us and we taught her about the Plan of Salvation.  She had recently lost family members and was very touched by what we had to teach her.  She is excited to meet with the missionaries again. 

On Friday we went to the Lapierre's. Sister Lapierre is a widow who has 4 sons and joined the church a few years ago after her husband died. Recently her son has started coming bake to church.  We have been meeting with them regularly and encouraging them to set a date to go to the Temple.  The son has been coming to church as a result of his goal to go to the temple. It is great to see a change in his life.

Sunday we went to the Rodreguez for dinner and a lesson.  We made the lesson into a game with balloons and the kids loved it. Then we visited the Maurial's. Fr. Mauriel shared he conversion story with us which was very powerful.  His wife was a member and asked another member to give her a priesthood blessing one time.  As Fr. Mauriel watched this the spirit testified that he should be the one blessing his wife and his family.  He later joined the church and told how he has been able to bless his family through the power of the priesthood.

On Monday we took a train to Lyon.  We went to the President's house and had a great testimony meeting with the departing missionaries.  Then we got up early to begin our travels home.

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